Newcomers & Neighbors offers many varied activities. We are a dynamic organization, continually adding new activities based on our members' interests. Anyone in the Club can propose a new activity or volunteer to chair an existing one. Our current activities are listed below, categorized by type of activity. Calendar events other than luncheons and informational coffees appear on the Club's calendar only to logged-in members.
Contact Activity Director if you have questions, want to volunteer, or start a new activity.
BRAIN POWER Book Club -- The book club meets on the first Wednesday of the month to enjoy lunch at a local restaurant followed by a moderator-led discussion of that month's book selection. We choose our books and discussion leaders in December for the upcoming year from a broad range of both fiction and non-fiction. Books chosen are widely available and at local libraries. Come join us and meet fellow book lovers! Film Club -- The Film Club meets every third Tuesday of the month with a lively discussion of one or two films each month, seen on your own, prior to the meeting. There are often other topics related to the film industry to discuss as well. Lunch is at Vitos at your own expense during the meeting. THE SINGLE LIFE Singles -- This group welcomes all single women and men who enjoy making new friends. Several outings are planned each month, such as visits to a museum, performances at a local theater, meet and greet, movies, and trivia night. EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY Appetizing Women -- You say, “what is that”? sounds a little racy, just something you and I would like! It is a female group Happy Hour gathering with shared appetizers and beverages. Each participant brings an appetizer to share with the group (and a copy of the recipe for their appetizer). The host prepares the theme for the event (if they wish) and provides dessert, beverages, plates, glasses and cutlery. Enjoy Ethnic Dining -- Enjoy Ethnic Dining is a fun activity centered around exploring the multitude of great ethnic restaurants in and around Phoenix. We will cater to food enthusiasts who desire to try Indian, Brazilian, Asian, and other great tastes while enjoying the company of friends. We visit restaurants which honor individual checks. We are currently seeking a volunteer to chair this activity. If interested contact Activity Director. It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere -- The purpose of this event is to simply have fun together. Each single person or couple attending is expected to bring a food item to share along with a wine pairing. Please bring a recipe for the food item you are bringing. Also bring copies of the recipe and the wine pairing to be handed out to participants. Be prepared to talk about your food and wine offering at the event. There is no cost to attend except for the food and wine that you bring to share. Ladies Breakfast Klatch -- Join us once a month for a fun breakfast outing to have a great time while eating your favorite morning delights. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month and explore a different Breakfast place each time. Separate checks for everyone! New(er) Members Only (NMO) Meetup -- New(er) Members Only (NMO) is designed for the newer members of our organization to continue to get acquainted in an informal Happy Hour environment. Let's get acquainted, share our 'moving to Scottsdale' stories, discuss our interests, and find out who lives nearby. Any new members or members who still feel like they are new are welcome. Hope to see many smiling new faces! Nibbles 'n' Nosh -- Nibbles ‘n’ Nosh is a great way to wrap up a week. Once a month, usually the second Friday, we gather in a member’s home to enjoy fun, conversation, snacks, and drinks. The host and all guests will bring their own beverage and a simple snack to share. This is all about fun and not about cooking. We won’t keep you up late; it’s 5:30 to 7:30. The Supper Club -- The Supper Club is a great way to mingle while sitting together at a dinner table, getting to know each other - especially since it means we don't have to cook that night! The Supper Club meets each month at moderately priced eating establishments. Some restaurants we have dined at include Soi4, Stone & Vine, Harold’s Corral, Olive and Ivy, Rhythm & Wine, Tanzy, and Brio Tuscan Grill. We are open to trying all kinds of new places. So if you have a favorite restaurant, pizza place, burger place, etc., let us know and we can all try it out together! We are currently seeking a volunteer to chair this activity. If interested contact Activity Director. Traveling Beyond Our Borders -- Designed to be a social evening for those who have traveled or lived abroad to discuss their experiences of traveling to a foreign land. Dinners are planned which are themed around a country to which the hosts have traveled. They will be able to share their adventures, experiences and stories with like-minded people. Everyone is welcome. Guests bring dishes from the themed country as well as their own alcoholic beverage. The host will provide coffee, tea and water, and will assign different categories of items (i.e. appetizers, salads, veggies, starch, desserts) to each of the registrants. Wine Tasting -- Wine Tasting is one of the oldest and continuous activities offered to our members. Wine Tasting appeals to those who enjoy tasting a variety of wines in a social setting. Events generally, are held the third Saturday of the month in member's houses and hosted by members who volunteer each month. Wine Tasting evenings begin with a starter wine, hors d'oeuvres, and social mingling. The second part of the evening is devoted to the introduction and tasting of the four or five selected wines. The evening ends with sweets and coffee. Many guests often come away with a new favorite wine to add to their personal lists. Hope to see you soon...CHEERS! SPECIAL EVENTS Helping Hands -- Each month, members of the Newcomers Club volunteer to help a different organization that provides assistance to our neighbors in need. These “work days” are generally combined with a social activity, such as breakfast, lunch or happy hour. Informational Coffee -- Designed for new members as well as non-members, the Informational Coffee serves a dual purpose: explaining all about the Newcomers Club and introducing new members to one another. Monthly Luncheons -- A social event, our monthly luncheons are held at different restaurants and generally include a guest speaker or program of interest. They are open to non-members as space permits. One & Done -- One & Done offers an opportunity to discover places of interest in our community. They may be educational, entertaining, social, or all of the above. Most events are an hour or two in length and may include a dining option immediately following the event. There is no limit to the number of events taking place or when they are scheduled. Social Butterfiles -- Social Butterflies is a women’s group. Members take turns organizing a wide variety of monthly events, such as day trips to places of interest, afternoon teas, theater, etc. Non-members of the group may register for up to two events as space permits. | LET'S GET PHYSICAL Let's Go Bicycle Riding -- Bicycle Riding offers opportunities to ride on mixed-use, paved paths in Scottsdale and Phoenix. The rides are scheduled on various days and times to give more chances for everyone to participate. Most paths are easy, level riding. Since we will depart from many trail heads and ride to a variety of destinations, this is a great way to explore different parks and trails within the cities. Some rides are longer and we will eat our brown bag lunch or snack, and others are shorter rides. Whether you are a long-time rider or recently reacquainted with your bicycle, this is a wonderful way to get some exercise, breathe fresh air, and enjoy good company. This activity is suspended for the summer. Hiking -- Hiking is unique in that there is not a set day or time for the hikes. Volunteer hike organizers pick the hike, the day and time, write the article, and act as the contact person for the particular hike. This way there is a nice variety of hike locations and levels of difficulty. No need to keep the fun to just one hike a month! The more coordinators there are, the more hiking we can do. This activity is suspended for the summer. Pickle Ball -- Pickle Ball is a racquet / paddle sport created by combining elements of other racquet sports It is simpler than tennis, easy to learn, but can be a fast paced challenging activity. We play weekly on Tuesday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:30. This activity is suspended for the summer. We are currently seeking a volunteer to chair this activity. If interested contact Activity Director. Soles on the Sidewalk -- Please join us for a weekly Friday morning walk at a casual to moderate pace. This "workout" is ~3 miles (7000+ steps). We meet in the parking lot behind Morton’s Steakhouse in the Kierland shopping center at 15233 N Kierland Blvd. We skirt the Kierland golf course and Westin Hotel property, taking in the greens and flowers along the route. A bathroom stop is along the route. Approximately a one-hour walk and mostly flat terrain. Start time is usually 8:30 AM but may vary depending on outdoor temperature and time of year. The activity chairperson will contact registered walkers if the time or location changes. Women's Golf -- Get ready for great golf and new friends! We play a different course each month, from October to May, at reduced green fees. Spaces are limited so respond early. We usually play 9 holes the afternoon of the first Thursday of each month, so plan your calendars accordingly. This activity is suspended for the summer. CRAFTY ARTS Needle Arts -- Remember all the sewing and needlework you started many years ago? Now that you have time for hobbies, please join us to renew your needlework projects, or come as a beginner and find out why doing needlework is both fun and therapeutic. And we're here to help! Discover the excitement of starting a new project, the fun of being creative, and the joy of completion while having a pleasant day of conversation with friends. GAMES PEOPLE PLAY Bridge for All Levels -- Join us the second and fourth Fridays of the month for bridge whether you are an Advanced Beginner or a more experienced player. We have a great core group and are always looking for people to play with us. Don’t worry if you aren’t an expert, there are people to help you! Bunco -- Bunco is a simple social dice game, traditionally played with 4 players per table with multiple tables. Players change tables as the game progresses. Bunco is easy to learn and no prior experience is required. The hosts provide simple snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages are BYOB. Partners Pinochle -- Partners pinochle is an afternoon of fellowship and fun from 1-4 pm. It generally meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Players bring their own beverage and a snack to share. Players are limited to 6 or 8 couples/partnerships. Lessons are offered periodically. Daytime Euchre-- The origins of the game of Euchre may be from Europe and Canada but in the US, you may have played this trick-taking card game in the Midwest. Now, as many relocate to the Southwest, Euchre players are gathering to continue their enjoyment of the game. We meet every other week in a local restaurant. As space is limited, please be sure to register quickly. Singles are welcome, this is not a pairs game. Experience playing Euchre is required. The activity is suspended for the summer. Mah Jongg -- If you love Mah Jongg, join us for a fun, relaxed session of American Mah Jongg. We will play a couple of hands, have lunch and play again. Please bring your Current Standard Card and a Mah Jongg set (if you have one). Advanced Beginner through Experienced players welcome. We will generally meet the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. Lessons are offered periodically. Mexican Train - Come join us for Mexican Train on the fourth Monday of each month. Mexican Train is a simple social game played with dominoes. The object of the game is for a player to play all the tiles from his or her hand onto one or more chains, or trains, emanating from a central hub or "station". No prior experience is needed. We will be happy to teach you if you have never played. It is not that difficult. The chair will determine the rules that will be used. A different member will host the event each month. The host will provide light snacks. We meet the 4th Monday of the month. WHERE THE BOYS ARE Men at Work in the Kitchen -- This activity is open to men who want to share their cooking skills, learn new skills, or discover what happens when you turn on the stove. The host prepares the menu and provides all the supplies to prepare the meal. The guests do the cooking at the host's home. The menu is heartier, more attuned to a man's taste. It isn't High Tea, nor is it a "Blazing Saddles" bean fest! Preparation may involve some grilling, baking, and/or cooking on the stove top. Recipes may reflect different themes, such as ethnic and regional cooking or recipes that are just personal favorites of the host. Everyone sits down together to eat the fruits of their joint labor. Men's Golf -- This group plays each Monday morning at Dove Valley Ranch, approximately one mile south of Carefree Highway. All skill levels are welcome. Men's Discussion Group -- This discussion group for men meets in an atmosphere of openness to share experiences and ideas and create new and close relationships. The meetings have a basic structure to allow for a variety of timely and interesting discussion topics. The members provide input regarding the selection of topics. New(er) Member Men's Breakfast Group -- Introducing the New(er) Men's Breakfast Group for brand new members, newer members, and those who still feel new to the Club. The group will get together over coffee/breakfast and get acquainted with each other, the Club, and our common interests. We'll get over the new(er) guy in the Club feeling. Join us on the first Tuesday of every month at the Soul Café at 8:00 AM. ANNUAL EVENTS Fashion Show -- Our Fall Fashion Show is combined with the October Luncheon and is a much anticipated highlight of the season. It features an elegant luncheon, a display of the latest fashions from one or more local boutiques, a wide assortment of door prizes and much, much more. Holiday Party -- We kick off the holiday season in style with our only formal event of the year. HIghlights of our holiday party include cocktails, dinner and dancing at a luxurious local venue. Spring Fling -- Our last big event of the season is the Spring Fling. This one is casual, and just plain fun! It can be anything from a barbeque to a fiesta, and is sure to include food, beverages and music. |
The Club cannot prohibit or exclude anyone from attending any Newcomers & Neighbors event that is designed for or focuses on any subgroup of our membership, e.g., women, singles, over-60, etc.