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  • Join Now & Membership FAQs for 2024

Please read this important message before you continue . . .

Yearly memberships are valid from January 1 throught December 31.

All memberships expire on December 31 regardless of when they were purchased.

Please contact Membership (click here) if you have any questions.

Membership Application 

Click below and have your debit/credit card handy for online payment.

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Thank you for your interest in joining

Newcomers & Neighbors of the Scottsdale Area

About Your Membership 

Dual Membership

  •  Only $60 for the calendar year
  •  Includes the primary member and one significant other/family member residing at the same address  (limit 2 people)
  •  Provides full access for both members to the website calendar and all events
  •  Annual Membership year is  January 1 - December 31 
  •  Membership fees are not refundable             

Individual Membership

    •  Only $40 for the calendar year
    •  Includes one member only
    •  Provides full access to all events for the individual member only (Members can only bring guests to designated public events as described in the Club's Standing Rules)
    •  Annual Membership year is January 1 - December 31 
    •  Membership fees are not refundable
    •  Upgrade your membership level to Dual during the year for a prorated fee by contacting  membership@newcomersclubofscottsdale.com

    Included in Your Membership . . 

    contact Membership (click here) if you have any questions

    Membership FAQs

    When does the membership year begin?

    The membership year is from January 1 through December 31. 

    What are the  dues?

    Individual: $40 Membership for one member only.

    Dual: $60 Membership for one member and one significant other/family member residing at the same address. 

    Dues are subject to change at time of annual renewal.  Annual renewal is required by December 31 of each year to remain an active member.

    What if I join during the year?

    Your first membership year begins the day you join and ends December 31 of that year. You must renew in December to continue membership for each subsequent year.  

    How many people can be included under one membership?

    Individual: The primary member only. (1 person only).

    Dual: The primary member plus one significant other/family member residing at the same address. (2 people only).

    How do I pay my membership dues?

    Membership dues are paid upon completion of your application.  Pay online with Debit or Credit Card using our secure payment system.

    Who can join Newcomers & Neighbors of the Scottsdale Area?

    Anyone who is interested in meeting people and participating in the activities of the club. We are a nonprofit social organization that allows anyone to join, pending the payment of annual membership dues. You do not have to be a resident of Scottsdale, nor do you have to be new to the area.

    When can i see the club's calendar of events?

    Calendar events other than luncheons and informational coffees appear only to logged-in members.

    What do my Membership Dues cover?

    Your membership fees allow you to be a full participant in the club. You will receive regular information on upcoming events and activities, and contact information for other members. 

    Do I need to pay additional dues for my spouse?

    If you want membership for you and your spouse, you would select a Dual Membership. 

    Are there instructions for members on how to use this website?

    Yes, members have access to a Members Support page.

    I want to help with Newcomers & Neighbors of the Scottsdale Area. How can I find out how to get more involved?

    We are always looking for new people to help the organization thrive. To become more involved, contact our membership chair, or any member of the board, at  membership@newcomersclubofscottsdale.com

    What is an activity?

    Activities are a way for our Members to meet others with common interests. The club offers many varied activities but is always open to adding new ones, based on members’ interests. Anyone in the club can propose a new activity or volunteer to chair an existing one.

    Who can attend the events?

    Anyone who is a member of Newcomers & Neighbors of the Scottsdale area can attend events. Non-members can attend luncheons and/or informational coffees two times before joining.

    Is there a limit on how long a member can belong to the Club?

    No. Unlike some newcomers organizations, Newcomers & Neighbors of the Scottsdale Area places no limits on length of membership. So, new and old members can meet and interact at all events.

    Since the Club is a nonprofit organization, does it donate to any charities?

    Yes, we donate to many local and national organizations. Some of the charities we have donated to include Foothills Food Bank, St. Mary's Food Bank, United Cerebral Palsy, Toys for Tots, Phoenix Children's Hospital, The Phoenix Dream Center and AZ Helping Hands Foster Care.

    Membership Application 

    Click below and have your debit/credit card handy for online payment.

    Join Now

    Make us a part of your life!

    Newcomers Club of Scottsdale © 2021

    Newcomers & Neighbors of the Scottsdale Area

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software