8:00 AM10:00 AM8:30 AM2:00 PM 
  Men's Golf  One & Done Soles on the  Let's Go Bicycle 
    TourSidewalk (SOS) Riding 
     11:15 AM  
Mah Jongg 
 6:00 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM11:15 AM9:00 AM8:30 AM 6:00 PM 
 Nibbles & NoshMen's GolfMen's BreakfastBook ClubMen's Peer Soles on the Couples 
 Discussion  Sidewalk (SOS) Pinochle 
  12:00 PM 1:15 PM 6:00 PMGroup  
  Stitch & Bitch Women's Golf Ethnic Dining 11:15 AM  
     10:00 AMBridge  
      Coffee5:00 PM  
      Group Therapy  
 2:00 PM8:00 AM10:00 AM9:30 AM3:30 PM8:30 AM6:30 PM 
 One & DoneMen's GolfFilm ClubLadies BreakfastHelping HandsSoles on theWine Tasting 
 ConcertKlatch Sidewalk (SOS)
  12:30 PM 12:00 PM 
  Bunco Sip'n andStitch & Bitch10:30 AM 11:15 AM  
  Smile'nMen at Work Mah Jongg  
   4:00 PMin the Kitchen 
   4:00 PMNew(er)  Member  
   AppetizingMeet Up  
  8:00 AM 4:00 PM2:00 PM11:30 AM8:30 AM 6:00 PM 
  Men's Golf Single'sLet's Go Bicycle Luncheon withSoles on the  Traveling 
    Happy HourRidingSpeakerSidewalk (SOS) Beyond our 
  4:00 PM     Borders 
  Mix & Mingle   11:15 AM  


  8:00 AM 1:00 PM   8:30 AM  
  Men's Golf Social Butterflies   Soles on the  
       Sidewalk (SOS)  
       11:15 AM  
       Mah Jongg  

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